Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are an excellent option for improving a variety of skin concerns, including age spots, discoloration, melasma, sun-damaged skin, fine lines, and some types of acne. Most chemical peels consist of one or more acids that are applied to the skin following a very specific protocol. This causes predictable, controlled skin “wounding” that heals over a few days to weeks. The healing process results in exfoliation and smoother, more radiant skin!

Healing time ranges from 1 day for a superficial (“lunchtime”) peel to 14+ days for a deep peel. You may need a series of 3-5 peels to get the best results (especially from superficial peels). Results are best maintained when combined with a consistent home skin care regimen.


Now offering VI Peels!

  • before and after

Schedule your Consultation

Curious if this procedure is right for you? Interested in learning more? Schedule a consultation with one of our physicians to develop a plan tailored to your needs!